All high schoolers are welcome to the Alpha Youth Day Retreat! As we've been making our way through the Alpha Youth Series, we've been learning about God's goodness and His plan for our lives. At this retreat, we'll dive into the third person of the Holy Trinity: The Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? What does He do? How can He impact my life? These are the questions we'll tackle at this retreat. Bring a friend! Dinner, games, new friends! RSVP to Luke by Wed 2/19 via email at [email protected].
Join us each week for our high school youth group! You are welcome! Free snacks, fellowship, and formation. Bring a friend! Tonight we'll continue the Alpha Youth Series with the session "How Does God Help Us Overcome Evil?".
Join us each week for our high school youth group! You are welcome! Free snacks, fellowship, and formation. Bring a friend! Tonight we'll continue the Alpha Youth Series with the session "Does God Heal Today?".
Join us each week for our high school youth group! You are welcome! Free snacks, fellowship, and formation. Bring a friend! Tonight we'll continue the Alpha Youth Series with the session "What Happens Next?".